Monday, August 4, 2014

Josh and Terese

As a Harvard trained medical scientist I chose to train with Michael due to the scientifically proven effectiveness of his training regime. Using the powerful combination of strength and interval cardio training one is able to quickly change their body composition, while also increasing their basal metabolic rate. In addition to his powerful workouts he is also able to motivate one by understanding one's true limits and pushing them to those limits.  Best decision in my workouts has been to train with Mike. 

- Josh

I have been training with Mike for just over six months and I'm in the best shape of my life! That is saying a lot for a 35 year old mom of four who used to be a high school athlete. Mike helped me reach my goal weight in three months. I had a six month old baby when I started and needed to work off the baby weight. With Mike's training and diet plan my body transformed into what I always dreamed it would be. Mikes work outs are efficient and effective. He knows how to work the problem areas to get the results you want. As a busy mom, I don't have time to waste. My time at the gym with Mike is never spent waiting for equipment or standing around. We work the whole time and it pays off! I feel amazing!

- Terese

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